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Hi, My name is Anna and here I will be sharing my university tips covering everything from fitness and wellbeing to revision and housing. I you are a student like I am and are into reading blogs, you will notice that barely any of the more "popular" bloggers have attended uni, so their lifestyle might not match a lifestyle of a student on a budget being busy with, you know, work. So here I would like to talk about everything that a girl (or some guys) at the university might find useful.

To start with, let me tell you more about myself. My name is Anna, I am 20 years old and I read Marketing at the University of Exeter. I just finished my second year, having one more year left to go. By this time, I feel like I finally figured out uni life. Sounds very cool, doesn't it? Well, I can tell you this much: I really struggled during my first year, didn't do as well as I wanted in my exams, messed up a couple of times with friends and flatmates so by the time I started my second year I made it my goal to do as much as I can academics-wise and make friends that I will actually enjoy being around. You know how it is, you make friends with the first people you meet, your flatmates. For some lucky people, it works out, for others it doesn't. I knew I needed to change a lot of things about my life at the university, so I did and it al worked out. In any way I do not claim to be an expert in any way, I just want to share my experiences and only hope that it will help someone out. 

Time at uni is the most exciting time of our lives, you don't believe it until you actually get there. It's not all about academics at uni, there is social life, there is job searching, there is personal life, wellbeing (both physical and mental) and so much more. I will try to cover all of these topics here, but if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know!

If you are still in school planning on going to the university or you are still deciding if that is what you want to do, hope you will find this blog interesting and it will answer some of the questions you might have. If you are a fellow student, there will be a lot of interesting content here such as hauls, tips and tricks, creative ideas, even recipes. This is going to be interesting. 

This is a start to a very interesting journey, 
See you soon.


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